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What is Top Stays?
Updated over a week ago

What is Top Stays?

Top Stays is a program for accommodation offered on Only the best of the best can take part in it: accommodation that attracts guests with high-quality content, regularly proves its high level of service, and receives great reviews.

When booking a hotel marked with a Top Stays sign, you can immediately be sure of its high quality of service.

Which hotels are included in the Top Stays ratings?

The Top Stays quality mark is issued to accommodation that confirms a high level of service across four criteria:

  1. A high rating — at least 8 points. Reviews from users of and TripAdvisors are counted.

  2. A low share of incidents caused by the hotel — this refers to problem situations due to which the guest cannot obtain the services that they booked. For example, they weren’t accommodated at the hotel they booked, or weren’t given the room they booked. Hotels where over 5% of total bookings in the last three months resulted in such incidents will not obtain the quality mark.

  3. A wide choice of rooms and rates — the hotel must have at least 10 rooms available for booking for the next 100 days. Further, the offers for our users need to be competitive with offers in other open sources.

  4. Constantly in demand — the ratio of bookings to views should be no less than 13%.

When booking a hotel marked with a Top Stays sign, you can immediately be sure of its high quality of service.

How to find these hotels on

The hotel profile will display a TOP sign. (example)

Is this only for Russian hotels?

Currently, only Russian hotels take part in the program, but in the future foreign accommodation will also be able to get a Top Stays sign.

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